Waste Reduction

The City of Coquitlam is aiming to minimize waste generation and maximize reuse, recycling, and material recovery. Learn about what we are doing to reach these goals and what you can do to help. 

Regional Campaigns

As part of the Metro Vancouver region, the City of Coquitlam actively participates in a number of regional waste reduction campaigns.


Single-use items have a lasting impact on our environment. Our small daily routines to reduce single-use items will save the day.

Metro Vancouverites dispose 1.3 billion single-use items per year- that’s 480 bags, straws, utensils, cups, and containers per person!

Explore Metro Vancouver's Superhabits webpage for tips and guidance on the safe use if reusables and to learn more about recycling single-use items.

Think Thrice About Your Clothes!

Did you know that Metro Vancouver residents throw out about 17 pounds of clothing (the equivalent of 44 T-shirts) per person every year? For tips on how to prevent clothing ending up in the landfill, visit ClothesArentGarbage.ca.

Recycling and Waste Reduction Presentations

City staff provide presentations on waste reduction and recycling for community groups. For more information please call 604-927-4306 or email the Environmental Education team.

Backyard Composters

Turn your yard trimmings and food scraps into rich soil for your garden. Backyard composters are available for Coquitlam residents at a subsidized price of $28 (including tax). To purchase a composter, please call 604-927-4306 or email Environmental Education.

Learn more about backyard composting (PDF) and composting with worms (PDF).

Donate Locally

The City of Coquitlam encourages residents to donate used clothing and household items to prevent them from ending up in the landfill. For a list of charitable organizations in the community that will accept donations of clothing, furniture, and/or household items in good working condition, either at a drop-off center or by scheduled pick up, view our Guide to Donating Locally (PDF).