The proposed City-Wide Parking Review includes five phases:
Phase 1 (completed 2020): This phase included residential and visitor parking rates in Transit-Oriented Development areas.
Phase 2 (completion 2021): This phase included commercial parking requirements, shared parking requirements, policies around Transportation Demand Management and Payment-in-Lieu, as well as bicycle parking requirements within new developments in Transit-Oriented Development areas.
Phase 3 (ongoing): This phase will develop a Curbside Management Strategy, including provisions for on-street vehicle parking management, electric vehicle charging, loading zones, waste collection, and shared mobility services.
Phase 4 (ongoing): This phase will review city-wide visitor, residential, commercial, industrial and institutional parking requirements; as well as provisions for transportation demand management, payment-in-lieu of parking, on-site electric vehicle charging infrastructure and shared parking.
This phase will review parking bylaws and policies within and outside Transit-Oriented Development areas, and re-evaluate previously adopted components of Phase 1 and 2 in light of recent provincial housing changes.
Phase 5 (future): This phase will assess the parking needs for City-owned public parking facilities in Transit-Oriented Development areas.