Compost Giveaway

Coquitlam Giveaway Spring 2025

Register for upcoming  gardening events or workshops  March through May, and in doing so, received a free bag of compost. Events will be listed as registration becomes available. 

Composting Helps Reduce Waste

Coquitlam promotes composting as part of its waste-reduction efforts, outlined in the Environmental Sustainability Plan. 

The compost being handed out was created with material that comes from residents’ Green Carts. It’s a great example of waste diversion – keeping organic material out of the landfill by transforming it into a usable product: nutrient-rich soil. Using compost also reduces the need for watering because it helps retain moisture.

Only Put Organics in Green Carts

Because Green Cart materials eventually end up in a garden as compost, it’s important to separate waste correctly and only put organics in the Green Cart. Contaminants like plastic bags – even ones labelled compostable or biodegradable – interfere with the composting process and bring micro-plastics into your yard.

Go to our Green Cart webpage or download the Coquitlam Curbside Collection app (free on Google Play or the App Store) for a handy Waste Wizard search engine and tips on separating waste correctly.

Get a Discounted Composter from the City

To encourage composting at home, the City subsidizes the cost of backyard composters. Coquitlam residents may purchase discounted composters at City Hall for $28 including tax by calling 604-927-4306 or email.

For information about backyard composting visit our Waste Reduction webpage.